On Presidents Day

Happy Presidents Day! And by “Presidents” I mean the presidents of businesses in “the voluntary sector” wielding social power to improve the lot of mankind. They’re entrepreneurs and innovators. They live or die on the basis of customer satisfaction, on making customer’s live better, easier, happier, and more fulfilled. Unlike their coercive sector counterparts, they…

On Indoctrination

The recent debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham on evolution and creationism was sparked by both men arguing that their views should be taught in public schools. What neither seem to realize is the incompatibility with their views and the institution of schooling, of compulsory education. As a Christian creationist, Ham, I must assume,…

On Block on Spanking

Stefan Molyneux missed his opportunity to shatter Walter Block’s argument in their debate on spanking. Block’s entire premise was that the protective use of force did not violate the non-aggression principle of libertarianism. I agree to the extent that one using protective force is forgiven for their offense, which is quite likely the case in…