On Creativity

A friend shared a graphic on Facebook of a quote by Osho, an Indian mystic who died in 1990, that went, “Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.” I like that. I can’t speak for Osho, but for me, I make the following observation: Creativity is the mark of individuality. To be creative is to…

On Secession

As much as I love the idea of secession, of people in a given territory breaking political ties with the larger territorial state, there is one major drawback: secession dissenters within the seceding territory being forced to break ties with the old state and live under the new state. Many “loyalists” were murdered and/or driven…

On “Should”

“Should” is another one of those potentially insidious words (like “have to“). It’s technically the past tense of “shall”, which means “duty, obligation,” but is more commonly used today as future tense. “You should do this,” is an example. Using it in the negative, as in “You should not steal from others” is innocent enough,…

On Love

“An intense feeling of deep affection,” is how Google defines love. Good. “A gentle feeling of fondness or liking,” is affection. Alright. “Affection or liking for someone or something,” is fondness. Uh-huh. “A feeling of regard or fondness,” is liking. Hmm. “Attention to or concern for something,” is regard. Ahh! Back around, love, then, is…

On Religious Indoctrination

Indoctrination is the “imbuing of an idea or opinion,” and imbue is “to soak, saturate, cause to absorb.” It would seem, then, that indoctrination implies coercion, either physical or social (loss of privilege, fear, shaming). Religion is “respect for what is sacred, conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation,” and religious is “imbued with or expressive…

On Spanking

Is spanking abuse? Let us consult its etymology! Says EtymOnline.com, for abuse, “mid-15c., ‘improper practice,’ from Old French abus (14c.), from Latin abusus. Earlier in Middle English was abusion ‘wicked act or practice, shameful thing, violation of decency’ (early 14c.), ‘an insult’ (mid-14c.).” Very interesting. Is spanking an “improper practice”? Yes. Is it a “wicked…