On Government Funding of Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson was on the Joe Rogan podcast recently. Therein he defended the need for government to fund scientific advancement. His argument was that many frontiers are neither accessible nor profitable for free enterprise until government paves the way. He’s probably not wrong, but that hardly constitutes a justification for government funding sourced by coercion.

On Utah Politics

The Mormon Church wants to avoid the appearance of influencing Utah politics, except when it doesn’t. The 2018 ballot has a proposition to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis (marijuana). In my view, this is obviously a good thing for both liberty and for patients.

On Voter ID Discrimination

Well, obviously, blacks and other minorities are less capable of obtaining official identification due to them being poorer, or dumber, or darker, than whites. That goes without saying. However, the discrimination that occurs due to fewer “people of color” having identification does not begin and end at the ballot box.

On “The Implication”

In Season 6, Episode 3 of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, Dennis unknowingly explains the source of government authority. Mac and Dennis just bought a boat and are purchasing supplies. Dennis mentions the need for a mattress, which causes Mac to wonder why. It was Dennis’s intention in buying the boat to use it to attract and bed women.

On Selfishness II

I recently listened to the Soho Forum debate on the virtues of selfishness between libertarian Gene Epstein and Randian objectivist Yaron Brook. It was my impression that Epstein believes the word “selfishness” is too morally tainted in both historical and contemporary usage to be useful to free market enthusiasts, while Brook believes the word can and must be redeemed as a counter to the morally bankrupt idea of “selflessness”. I believe that both debaters were correct.

On the Minimum Wage II

If you support enforcing a minimum wage, ask yourself two questions: 1) why not triple or quadruple the current minimum wage?, and 2) why doesn’t every wage rise when the minimum wage is raised? I do not believe these questions can be answered without acknowledging basic truths about economics, truths which necessarily reveal the absurdity in enforcing a minimum wage.

On Gender Expression II

I hold no issue with or bigotry toward anyone expressing themselves however they see fit. I think it’s important that each of us find a way to be comfortable in our own skin. You do you, and I’ll do me. Human expression is beautifully diverse. I also think it’s important that each of us are honest with ourselves and others about what we are.