On Antinatalism II

I recently discussed antinatalism, the belief that it is morally wrong to procreate. While I do not consider myself an antinatalist on the grounds that it is always morally wrong to procreate, I would caution would-be parents not to procreate under several specific circumstances.

On Government Parasitism

A clever and effective parasite will not only feed on its host as long as possible, but will do so in such a way that removing it will be fatal. As long as the parasite can stretch its tendrils into the most vulnerable places of its host, the host will be forced to sustain it if it wants to remain alive. The analogy that government is a parasite is oft made by libertarian types, and for very good reason.

On Antinatalism

I’m not exceptionally well versed on “antinatalism”, the belief that it is morally wrong to procreate. Some antinatalists make the argument that procreation is morally wrong because it is nonconsensual as far as the offspring is concerned. Other antinatalists make the argument that because there is suffering in life (some times and places more than others), it is morally wrong to create a life that you know is going to suffer.