Try This One Weird Trick to Get Politics Out of Education

If we want politics out of education, we have to separate school and state. Entirely. No government involvement whatsoever. Parents can homeschool their kids, or join with other parents to teach small groups, or hire private tutors, or pay tuition at private schools — without one thin dime of taxpayer aid or one crumb of government permission or bureaucratic control.

Word Jungle

Market.  Marketplace.  Free market.  Open market.  Corporatocracy.  Self-interest.  Greed.  Graft.  Grift.  Regulation.  Regulatory capture.  Human action.  Human nature.  Darwin.  Darwinism.  Natural selection.  Eugenics.  Survival.  Survival of the fittest.   Leadership.  Adherency.   History.  Fact.  Fiction.  Dog eat dog.  War.  Peace.  Civil.  Barbaric.

Why “Science Denial”?

In a new book two professors of psychology, Gale Sinatra and Barbara Hofer, seek to explain why what they call “science denial” is rampant today and how dangerous it is. They also give their account in a strange conversation with Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic magazine, from whom we might have expected a tad more “skepticism” or at least some devil’s advocacy.

Military Vaccine Mandate: A Teachable Moment

On August 25, two days after the US Food and Drug Administration fully approved  the Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 vaccine, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered “full vaccination of all members of the Armed Forces.” Cue outrage and objection. Some officers have resigned their commissions; some enlisted personnel seem willing to risk court-martial and dishonorable discharge rather … Continue reading Military Vaccine Mandate: A Teachable Moment