Another Fine Mess

Nobody asked but … By the time the next election for POTUS rolls around, November 5, 2024, Joe Biden will be 81 and Donald Trump will be 78.  Yikes! A choice between frik and frak, a benign do-gooder vs a malign do-badder — both toxic to America. There is no chance that the dems will…

When Our Politicians Buy Never-Ending War, We Get What They Make Us Pay For

As the US Senate considers the latest National “Defense” Authorization Act, Congress clearly intends to bestow more money, not less, on the armed forces. And this despite the end of America’s ruinous 20-year misadventure in Afghanistan. That’s not just fiscally irresponsible, it’s physically dangerous to the very people “Veterans Day” purports to honor and the peace Armistice Day was intended to celebrate.

The Metaverse: Gateway to Unanimous Consent and Panarchy?

It’s official: The company that runs Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp has a new name, Meta Platforms, Inc. The company’s focus, according to its introductory announcement, “will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities and grow businesses.” The metaverse is a decades-old concept. Neal Stephenson coined the term in his … Continue reading The Metaverse: Gateway to Unanimous Consent and Panarchy?

How Thoughtful Torture Beats Plea Bargaining

Mike Huemer’s new Justice before the Law is predictably excellent. I’ll eventually discuss it in greater depth, but for now I’ll focus on Huemer’s critique of plea bargaining.  The heart of the critique is that plea bargaining is coerced confession: It is universally agreed in legal theory that coerced confessions are unacceptable. The main reason is that […]

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