Socialism is Satan

If you’ll pardon me, I’m going to engage in a little of my own Paul Harvey here:  If I were Satan (and likely, there are more than a few leftists out there by now who believe precisely that), I would promote and engage in virtually every idea and activity that the modern Left presently does.

My Gitmo

My Gitmo.  A small enclave where the philosophy of freedom still exists.  Outside, in much of the rest of Vermont, is an ethical and intellectual wasteland filled with devious, diabolical, destructive, and downright evil ideas such as critical race theory, socialism, gun control, suppression of free speech, and cultural Marxism.  Those things are not welcome here.  Not on my 20 acres.  Not at my Gitmo.

Vladimir Putin Is Not the Neville Chamberlain the US/NATO is Looking For

For 45 years, the justification was to defend Germany from the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. As Germany moved toward reunification, US Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization wouldn’t expand so much as “one inch eastward” into the former Soviet sphere of influence it was created to contain.