The Corporate Welfare Devil is in the “Clean Energy” Details

On June 6, US president Joe Biden invoked the Defense Production Act “to accelerate domestic manufacturing of clean energy.” That goal sounds laudable and, for those of us who don’t own stock in oil or coal companies, probably uncontroversial. But once we start focusing on the details, Biden’s order turns out to be just another crony capitalist boondoggle that’s more likely to increase prices and slow adoption than the other way around.

Heartless Immigration Restrictions Need Replacing

Some elements of the right-wing are spreading the fear that Democrats are engineering a take-over of America by replacing white voters with nonwhites through liberal immigration policies. It’s come to be known as “the great replacement,” and in its ugliest form, it is said to be a Jewish conspiracy. Remember the sickening chant at the 2017 right-wing Charlottesville rally: “Jews will not replace us”? I wish this fear-mongering could be ignored, but since a few fanatics have committed violence apparently to prevent the “great replacement,” it needs to be discussed.

Censorship Not The Answer to Evil

People like the murderer in the Buffalo, N.Y., grocery store will always find justification to be evil losers. He would have found some excuse even if no one had ever suspected that government is trying, for political purposes, to dilute the culture with those who don’t share it. The way to fight such ideas is to openly discuss them, not censorship. If you choose to censor ideas, I’ll think you have no argument against them.

On Abortion

It is my understanding that American progressives (and liberals) have it as one of their highest ideals to fight for the interests of the most marginalized and downtrodden of groups. For that reason they fight for the right for women to abort their unborn babies without fear of legal reprisal by governments.

The Delphi Technique 2

The final upshot of the Delphi Technique is that the state give “free” people only those choices that the state desires to implement.  The state does not want to do away with schools.  Too many elements depend on the power that attaches to the institution of “free, public education.”