Myth and Violence

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original column appearing most Mondays at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. Non-libertarians are quick to deride libertarians as blaming all of society’s ills on government. Many a libertarian do give knee-jerk reactions…

Self-Ownership as Self-Determination

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. That “self-ownership” is axiomatic or the bedrock of many a libertarian theory cannot be denied. However, there are many libertarians…

Secret Surveillance and the Right to Privacy

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. It doesn’t seem to me that enough people are truly outraged by the revelations of the National Security Agency’s…

The Market is Always Free and Fully Employed

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. Those who adhere to the philosophy of liberty (libertarians, voluntaryists, etc.) are quick to point out that neither the…

What I Can’t, and Can, Control

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. Seeing these Congressional hearings or Presidential speeches can make someone batty. Fortunately, I avoid them. What good would they…

Self-Ownership as Birthright

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of “children’s rights” over the last several months; really wrestling with…

Voluntaryism: One Creed to Unite Them All

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. The voluntary principle, that relations should be voluntary, or not at all, separates voluntaryism from other political philosophies in…

Cypriots and the President’s Ability to Kill

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Monday at, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. There are so many concepts and ideas swirling in my head this week, but nothing with enough concreteness to…