CDA Section 230, 1/3 of 1% COVID-19, Teacher Strikes, & Uighur Slavery (39m) – Episode 339

Episode 339 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the Trump Administration’s desire to remove CDA Section 230 platform liability protections for altering third party content; the United State surpassing 4 Million COVID-19 cases, which according to recent research is probably 10x higher, producing a death rate of 1/3 of 1%; the possible national teachers’ union strikes over reopening in-person instruction without certain safety precautions; and a coalition group putting pressure on businesses benefiting from Chinese Uighur slavery.

Celebrities, Daughters, Family Time, Megachurches, Politics, Riots, & War (32m) – Episode 338

Episode 338 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: stupidpieceofshit- writes, “Celebrities are not leaders. Stop expecting them to make statement on every issue”; fallingthroughspace0 writes, “Threatening your daughter’s boyfriend with guns or violence should not be normalized”; emotionalrek writes, “Forced family time is a horrible idea”; somkkeshav555 writes, “Megachurches are cults that scam people and should be cracked down on by law enforcement”; Watermelonlesson-Top writes, “Saying ‘people that stay out of politics, or people that don’t actively fight against something are part of the problem’, is going too far”; FairyChick69 writes, “It is frightening to see how many young Americans are essentially advocating for domestic terrorism against their ideological opponents.”; and Alternative-Coat6972 writes, “Revolution Isn’t Fun. War Isn’t Fun. The People Calling For War and Revolution in the United States Need a Reality Check.”

Lenore Skenazy: Overparenting and Bad Public Policy (48m)

This episode features an interview free range kids activist, author, and syndicated columnist Lenore Skenazy from 2019 by Trevor Burrus and Aaron Powell, hosts of the Free Thoughts podcast. Should children ride the NYC subway by themselves? When did children stop having unsupervised and unstructured time? What did ‘strange danger’ do to change the way we parent? What are the consequences of over‐​parenting?

Riotous Looting, Police Brutality, Qualified Immunity, and Raising Adults (37m) – Episode 337

Episode 337 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: outsourcing security to an institution who claims not to have a duty to provide it leads to riotous looting; police brutality is a problem of authoritarianism, not racism; the abolition of qualified immunity in his lifetime; putting the focus as parents on raising adults, not on raising kids; and more.

Two-Bedroom Rentals, Comfortable Life, 10-Hour Workweeks, & Cocaine Piracy (31m) – Episode 335

Episode 335 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: CNBC writes, “Full-time minimum wage workers cannot afford a two-bedroom rental anywhere in the U.S. and cannot afford a one-bedroom rental in 95% of U.S. counties.”; GoAheadAndH8Me writes, “Free consent cannot be given in a society that lacks a UBI providing a comfortable life as the worst possible outcome.”; the Hampton Institute writes, “If capitalism were suddenly outlawed & we all began working for each other (instead of for a handful of rich people), we’d have 10-hour workweeks, no poverty, no war, no crime, more time with our families & communities, creative/productive outlets, and sustainable/healthy living.”; and Talos-Valcoran writes, “The government takes a part of the money it gave to the companies, who gave it to you, back so that it can improve your life. Without taxes the whole government wouldn’t work.”

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Three (31m) – Episode 334

Episode 334 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A bad economist believes that prices should be policed by the state. A good economist believes that police should be priced by the market.”; “A barbarian believes that liberty erodes community. A civilized person knows that liberty creates community.”; “A fool believes that taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. A person of reason knows that a civilized society is the price we pay for taxes.”; “Bad may be less bad than worse, but that doesn’t make it any better.”; “A fool believes that the way to destroy culture is to commercialize it. A person of reason knows that it is to subsidize it.”; “A little knowledge makes one believe that he knows everything. Some knowledge makes one afraid of how little he knows. A lot of knowledge makes one accept that he knows nothing.”

T.K. Coleman: Entrepreneurship As A Theory of Social Change (1h14m)

This episode features a talk by serial entrepreneur and education activist T.K. Coleman from 2016. “I want everyone to leave there feeling convinced that we have a tremendous amount of power to create a freer world without relying solely or primarily on politics. Moreover, I want them to have concrete and inspiring examples of how this is being done and how they can get involved.”