Family Obligations, Connection, Childhood Play, Friendship, & Dreams (27m) – Episode 367

Episode 367 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following questions from Quora: “Should children be obliged to give something back to their parents?”; “How do I deal with this? I live together with my friend, his 10-year old son is living with us. I know I am not his parent, but I do am an adult and feel like he should listen to me. He feels like he can do whatever he wants in the house.”; “Is it okay to bring young children to a public park if you don’t want them to interact with other children?”; “Can a father be friends with his son?”; and “What are your dreams for your children?”

Cowardice as a Design Problem & Negative Perceptions by Others (17m) – Episode 020

Episode 020 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Seneca who wrote, “Life without a design is erratic. As soon as one is in place, principles become necessary. I think you’ll concede that nothing is more shameful than uncertain and wavering conduct, and beating a cowardly retreat. This will happen in all our affairs unless we remove the faults that seize and detain our spirits, preventing them from pushing forward and making an all-out effort.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a discussion which began with, “How do you deal with people having incorrect [or] negative perceptions of you?”

Corey C. Returns, Rationality Rules, Solar Industry, & Independent Contractorship (52m) – Episode 366

Episode 366 welcomes back Corey Christiansen to chat with Skyler on the following topics: getting married; Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube ban; the Rationality Rules YouTube channel; his new work in the solar industry; self-reliance; COVID-19 experience in Southern Utah; Trump and why legacy media loves him; 2020 has been a very good year for him; gig economy, independent contractorship, and autonomy; and more.

Chris J. Returns, Social Conformity, Pandemic Schooling, & The Great Reset Initiative (58m) – Episode 365

Episode 365 welcomes back Chris Jenkins to chat with Skyler on the following topics: adventures in delivery work; social conformity in the pandemic era; divisiveness caused by government action; bypassing due process to punish people in Los Angeles; COVID-19 lawsuits against governments; schooling in the pandemic era; the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset Initiative”; qualified immunity in Federal verse State courts; and more.

Tim’s Journey, South Korea, & Military Dynamics (56m) – Episode 364

Episode 364 welcomes Tim Hall to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: why they don’t know each other; shared group membership on Facebook; coronavirus response in South Korea, coronavirus response on his military base; Kim Jong Un situation in North Korea; his belief in self-determination and small governments; Constitutionalism; several military based subtopics, including: don’t ask, don’t tell, black lives matter moment, cancel culture, women and ballbusting, his Afghanistan tour; and more.

Contra The Short, Simple Dismissal Of Libertarianism: Government (21m) – Episode 362

Episode 362 has Skyler giving his commentary on the subtopic “Government” from Mike Huben’s “The Short, Simple Dismissal of Libertarianism“. He writes, “99% of libertarianism is obviously untrue or unacceptable for one or more of these reasons… How can we know that so easily? Here are some simple principles that make it obvious.”

Mich O. Returns, Postmodernism, Microcapitalism, & Propaganda (51m) – Episode 361

Episode 361 welcomes back Mish Ochu to chat with Skyler on the following topics: postmodernism as a heroic endeavor for libertarianism and science; the problem of scientism that results from political influences; the pros and cons of peer review; citizen science and citizen journalism; automation and micro-capitalism; crypto communities; gun culture in Nigeria and England; Prince Andrew and the indirect control of the media; the fourth estate as the propaganda arm of the state; and more.