Who Will Crush Others

Americans and many others hold, in the greatest esteem, something they call democracy. But this type of government is not democracy—direct rule by “the people”—but representative republicanism, wherein people’s “representatives” make decisions that are binding (i.e., enforced by violence and threats of violence) on everyone.

Distinct Politico-Economic Systems

Some people feel an irresistible urge to lecture others on how every ideological group or movement that is not pure capitalism is simply socialism. Hence they rush to insist that, for example, the Nazis were just national socialists, whereas the Bolsheviks were international socialists, and therefore both were just socialists, which is the important aspect of the matter.

Bankrupt from The Get-Go

In regard to the popular (especially in academia) ideology that the truth of a proposition is solely a matter of the race, sex, class, and gender of the person stating the proposition, do the proponents of this view suppose that every member of such an aggregate (e.g., every black person, every gay person, etc.) holds identical beliefs?