The Costs of Prohibition

The state destroys wealth and wastes human initiative by forcing individuals to spend time and money endeavoring to circumvent unnatural impediments to the market instituted by the state. Recently state enforcers seized a tunnel equipped with electricity, ventilation and a rail system that connected San Diego, California, to Tijuana, Mexico. This tunnel was allegedly built…

The Property Paradigm

I’m becoming increasingly convinced that there are really only two camps of people in the political and philosophical worlds: Those who recognize the reality of private property and those who support force and theft. Ultimately, statists don’t truly believe in private property (no matter how much they may extol the virtues of “capitalism”) because they…

Re: On GMO Labeling

It strikes me as somewhat arbitrary to declare that “a genetically-modified carrot is no longer a carrot.” What about a crossbreed carrot? Would that also be sufficient grounds for a civil suit for “mislabeling” a product? Thanks to government, we have seen all manner of this nonsense which is why we have “cheese food” instead…

Theft and Hypocrisy

Those who support government theft and redistribution in any form or for any reason can hardly claim to be indignant when that principle of plunder is extended to include goods or services they consider unnecessary or excessive. Republicans, in particular, are frequently guilty of this hypocrisy. How many Republicans who have recently mocked ‘Obama phones’…