Predatory States are Predatory

The state only deals with people by hurting, killing, caging, and robbing them. It wraps these actions up in hundreds of thousands of pages of demands, orders, mandates, regulations, prohibitions, licenses, and certificates; but the bureaucratic maze which supposedly allows individuals to escape unscathed is an illusion.

Capitalism for Dummies (and Socialists)

The whole notion of capitalism is that those with capital are incentivized to invest it in order to obtain a profit. If profits are outlawed or significantly reduced through confiscatory taxation, the incentive to invest is reduced or eliminated. If profit is forbidden, I have no incentive to invest rather than consume. Why would I delay gratification and take on risk to plant a field or build a factory if I don’t stand to make a profit by doing so?

Freedom of Movement is a Libertarian Virtue

“Freedom of movement” is a libertarian virtue in any location which is not privately owned or where the owner does not opt to restrict movement. Moreover, just because libertarians advocate a fully privatized society, it does not necessarily follow that every square inch of ground will be privately owned nor that every property owner will choose to deny access to visitors and travelers.

Liberty Above All Else

There are many good reasons to oppose the state, but for me, the most compelling (and most fundamental) is my belief in liberty. Liberty first. Liberty above all else. My belief in liberty does not end with advocating the abolition of the state, however; I likewise advocate the realization that all claimed authority over anyone but oneself is illegitimate.

Freedom is More Important Than Fear

A pit bull biting a child does not mean that pit bulls should be banned. A Tesla automobile getting into an accident does not mean that Teslas should be banned. A person falling off a ski lift does not mean that ski lifts should be banned. An immigrant committing a crime does not mean that immigrants should be banned. A Muslim committing an act of terror does not mean that Muslims should be banned. The list of examples is as long as there are things and people which some authoritarians would like to ban.