Re: Donut Fail

Parrish, this is priceless!  And that reminds me to tell our readers that I have started on Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces.  I expect to be posting a few cop fail observations myself, in the coming days.  My cause célèbre is the casual shooting of dogs in…

Re: On Collectives

Skyler, certainly specific individuals presume to take actions on behalf of the collective — if such actual and presumed delegation were not matters of course, there would cease to be collectives.  But there is an inner collective in any state which is the oligarchy.  The oligarchy chooses who will do the deeds for the oligarchy. …

Re: Collectives II

Nobody asked but … My Kentucky Wildcat basketball team lost in a close contest to Michigan State last night.  These are two of the teams considered most likely to play for the National Championship in the early Spring of 2014.  So a statist may have observed my tirade against collectives and responded with, “you are…

Re: Collectives

Yes, Skyler, that is a good distinction to make.  In my lexicon all collectives are the constructs arising from central planning.  Specialization occurs in free markets, without central planning or artificial conglomerations of individuals.  Furthermore, if in a free market the individual had all the skills needed, and no opportunity costs, he would do a…