The Balfour Declaration

November 2 marks the 100th Anniversary of Great Britain’s Balfour Declaration.  In 1917, PM Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild  declaring support for a Jewish homeland to be carved out from Arabic territory.  Why is it that the British feel so comfortable with this kind of mapmaking? 

Secession / Unification

Nobody asked but … I know how I feel relative to the problem in Catalonia.  I favor Catalonian Independence. But it makes me really examine how I feel about separatist situations in general. I look first at the situation with the province of Ulster in Ireland, a province that was broken out and retained by…


Decades ago, it was common wisdom that the Hunt Brothers could not go broke if they threw away hundred dollar bills as fast as they could pick them up and toss them. It was thought to be an NP-Hard problem. But the Hunt Brothers did figure out how to do it.