The Road

It’s difficult to decide what single action would make gender inequality go away. If getting rid of POTUS would do the trick, I say “off with his head!” But neither the direction nor the facts are crystal clear. Look at the history already exposed. It’s not linear. The future is as unpredictable as the weather. Turbulence may pop up anywhere. Where shall we hold the March? Which road shall we take?

Words Poorly Used #129 — Specialization

There is no single task in making a pencil that requires rocket science, but there are lots of tasks that require the opportunity to do something in an optimum return situation.  A lone pencil maker would have to switch jobs and be proficient in each.  But in the real world it is not practical for the person who harvests the wood to also fashion the lead and to formulate the paint and affix the eraser.

Statism Freezes

I have some friends who want to march on Washington, DC, to express their preference that POTUS  loses his office.  We can get bogged down in narrow issues real quickly on that question.  Because POTUS himself blurs all criteria of whether he is doing a good job, where would one start to open the debate back to definition of a true set of parameters?

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics

My latest Words Poorly Used blog made reference to a WAG (wild ass guess) number that attempted to purport that a large percentage of undocumented immigrants did not cross a border on the ground, but rather flew into the US, and then stayed after the visa expired.  This has several takeaways, but the one that sticks with me is the problem with statistics.