When Civility Isn’t Enough

On the memo line of every check I sent to the various “revenue” gangs, I wrote “extortion payment” beside my account number. The State of Colorado never seemed to notice, but the woman in the city “revenue” office noticed, and it really bothered her. She repeatedly called me to complain or get an explanation. A time or two she even came into my store to confront me face to face. I was nice. I was polite. I was civil. But I stood my ground.

Importing New Democrats? Or Creating Them?

“Conservatives” yapping about “illegals” sound just as dumb as “liberals” droning on about guns. But consider this: “Conservatives” say they oppose the independent migrants because they are being imported (or allowed to enter) to become “new Democratic voters”. Well, who do you think they’d vote for? The people who are “welcoming” them with hatred, calling them “illegals”, and waving the Federal flag in their faces?

Be More Antifragile

One of the major points of the book is that by designing all the danger out of things, trying to make the randomness and volatility go away and keep things smooth and “safe”, you make the danger worse. It’s inevitable and natural. Completely unavoidable. Just like how anti-gun “laws” actually increase the risks they claim to want to solve. The people who embrace these ideas may have good intentions, but they are idiots.

Lethal Threats From Trespassers

If you are flying war planes in a threatening manner around someone’s home territory, you are the bad guy. You deserve to have those planes shot down. The pilots are being bad guys and deserve to die. If you call any objection or resistance to your planes “aggression” you are lying. If you are a military employee breaking stuff and threatening people in someone else’s home territory, and you get shot, you were the bad guy. It’s no different from a homeowner shooting a burglar or rapist he catches in his house.

Possessed by Statist Delusions

If someone believes in X, and uses that belief to kill and steal, it doesn’t matter much that X is all in their head. The harm they cause is real, but, its not X’s fault; it is theirs alone. They have to be the one to make the choice to be the bad guy. After all, X– be it “authority”, government, religion, or whatever– can’t actually do anything. It’s all the individual’s choice.