I Hate Litter

I hate litter. Always have. There’s just no excuse for it that holds up for me. I have never intentionally or knowingly littered. And I have picked up hundreds (maybe thousands) of pounds of litter over the course of my life–just because, if I won’t do it, who will? As an anarchist, I accept the responsibility willingly.

ZAPped by Second-Hand Smoke?

I don’t enjoy being around cigarette smoke, but sometimes it is worth it to be in places or around people I want to be around. And it’s my choice, and I can choose to avoid those people and places if I decide it isn’t worth it. I can even make “hard choices” about difficult trade-offs and potential penalties if it is that important to avoid smoke. I can’t understand militant anti-smokers. Yes, I know smoke makes some people sick. I understand it’s not healthy. Being a smoke-Nazi is not healthy, either.