Anti-Gun Bigots’ Delusions

“Gun control” [sic] is anti-science. It is superstition. It is historical ignorance, technological ignorance, and sociological ignorance. It is racist, sexist, and government-supremacist. It is antisocial. It doesn’t make anyone but the bad guys safer. Senile Grampa Joe embodies all of this and more (as has every president before him).

Drug Abuse Stupid But Prohibition Evil

Beyond rights I care about the most, you have the right to do things that don’t interest me at all, or things I don’t like. As long as “it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg,” as Thomas Jefferson said — nor the pockets or legs of anyone else — I support your right to live as you wish. I don’t care who it offends; there is no right to not be offended.

Glad I Have as Much Choice as I Do

The continuing COVID-19 overreactions of New Mexico’s politicians mean I’ve spent much less time and money in New Mexico than I would have normally. Why would I go where businesses are either closed or operating with restricted capacity when I have other options? I prefer to go where businesses can decide whether they’ll force customers to wear a mask, rather than where a one-size-fits-all mandate declares businesses aren’t allowed to decide for themselves.

Won’t Sacrifice Liberty for Worst of Us

There will always be some members of the population set on killing each other over petty squabbles and imagined slights. Nothing you and I can do will ever change this; nothing government can do will stop it. Some people are just determined to be uncivilized. They may even prefer living this way, and wouldn’t change if given every chance. You will be more free once you realize this truth.