Smokey Bear: Enemy Agent

Smokey Bear and his propaganda campaign illustrate the danger of government perfectly. Use a memorable way to promote bad policy. The bad policy then causes damage which makes the original problem worse, which causes people to believe government (and its bad policy) is necessary to protect from the consequences of government policy.

“Reasonable” Statists

It amazes me how reasonable some people can make slavery sound. They can play the part of the “adult in the room” while advocating mass murder conducted “constitutionally”. All they have to do is to mention that it’s the law, or that we are obligated to follow the “social contract” or “pay our fair share” and gullible people will nod in agreement and praise them for being so reasonable and responsible.

Falling Short and Missing the Mark

The guy started in with saying “we” have a Constitution and “laws” that we are required to follow, and … “we”/”our” “society” “social contract” blah blah blah. He was justifying every kind of law, and any amount of violence to enforce them, with his superstitions and collectivism. And this was in a liberty-oriented, individualist group.