A Human Becoming

Guest post by Scott Noelle. In a product-oriented culture, there’s a tendency to “productize” and “package” people. We often forget that a human being is a living process — a “human becoming.”Children are especially dynamic — often visibly different from one day to the next — and no two children develop precisely the same way.…

Can Hemp Save the World?

Guest post by nutiva. Hemp is easily grown without pesticides or herbicides, and besides its tasty nut it yields a strong fiber used for cloth, paper, construction, plastics and auto parts, and countless other applications. It’s an extremely versatile and hardy plant, with many uses and is known as one of the most nutritious foods…

What is Unschooling?

Guest post by Nicole Olson. Asking, “What is unschooling?” is a little bit like asking, “What is love?” or “What is happiness?”. It means different things to different people. But within its broad framework, there are some fairly consistent themes and basic beliefs that most unschoolers embrace.What is unschooling… Belief #1: Children are hard-wired to…

A Four-Step Health-Care Solution

Guest post by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. It’s true that the U.S. health care system is a mess, but this demonstrates not market but government failure. To cure the problem requires not different or more government regulations and bureaucracies, as self-serving politicians want us to believe, but the elimination of all existing government controls.It’s time to get…

You Are an Individual

Guest post by Jesse Mathewson. The act of voting is a simple one, you make your way to the nearest voting booth, and after being barraged by endless television promotions and signage, you choose the one you believe is most likely to do what you want, and the least likely to do what your neighbors…

Might is Spite

Guest post by Ted Olson. I saw a mom pull a 3-year-old out of a shopping carriage by her tiny little biceps. As the toddler hung there, feet dangling, her mom murmured with rage and hatred, “If you ever do that again, you’re going to get it.” Mom plopped a teary-eyed child back into the…