Freedom Paradise Found

Editor’s Pick. Written by Jack Wheeler. Edinburgh-of-the-Seven-Seas, Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean. Welcome to the most isolated community on the planet, on the world’s remotest inhabited island. Named after the Portuguese captain who discovered it in 1506, Tristão da Cunha, it is 1,736 miles from Africa, and 2,466 miles from South America. The nearest…

What Are Ethics Anyway?

Editor’s Pick. Written by Justin Nafziger. I have observed that people confuse various adjacent terms and ideas as equivalent. Belief and conviction for example, while they may overlap are not one and the same. Another oft misconstrued association is mixing morality, integrity and ethics. To be sure, they do interact heavily, but one and the…

The Politics of Play

Editor’s Pick. Written by Jay Griffiths. Aged fourteen and without his parents’ approval, the future King Henry II hired a band of mercenaries, sailed from France to England, and failed to take two minor castles. In the realm of fiction, the audacious and adventurous Huckleberry Finn, only “thirteen or fourteen,” rebels against the mores of…

The End of Power

Editor’s Pick. Written by Moisés Naím. Power is shifting—from large, stable armies to loose bands of insurgents, from corporate leviathans to nimble start-ups, from presidential palaces to public squares. It has become harder to wield power and easier to lose it, and the world is becoming less predictable as a result. As people become more…

Education is Liberation

Editor’s Pick. Written by Lisa. Education is liberation, inspiration, self-realization and self-actualization.School is indoctrination, automation, dictation and regurgitation. Education is self awareness, not test preparedness.Independence, not checking attendance. Facilitation of creation.Not coercion and assertion. Schools teach rules to make tools. (It is a factory of fools.) Life’s teachers encourage grit, not ask you to submit.…