Letter from a Pakistani Homeschooler

I recently received this email from Pakistani homeschooler Fasih Zulfiqar.  I advised him to seek out econ professors at the nearest universities, but he’d likely appreciate further advice.  Reprinted with his permission. Hello Prof Bryan, Fasih here. Perhaps Prof Cowen informed you about me, but in case he did not, let me introduce myself. I’m […]

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Am I a Patriot?

I’ve wondered before whether I am a “patriot”. A cute statist girl called me one several years ago and I wasn’t sure whether I should feel insulted. (She later decided she hated me because I don’t support “the troops” or the Blue Line Gang, both of which she adored.) I decided to figure out what makes a person a patriot, but I discovered that the rabbit hole is deeper than I had expected.

Banning 3D-Printed Guns

this lamp part, this repair piece for your coffee pot, this game piece, etc., put them all together in this way, and you’ve got a gun. No gun or gun part was printed. Yet a gun was printed after all. By someone who didn’t have to be a hacker or build their own 3D printer, but who just wanted a gun enough to print one. Kind of like the way it happens now.