Global Gun Deaths

Recently the Appeal to Authority Logic Fallacy has been foisted off on readers of publications, on the Web and off.  Google “global gun deaths.”  This looks like an annual proclamation — global gun deaths at 250,000.  The latest flurry of stories stem from a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).  Through some sleight of mind, the compilers leave out direct explication of war-related deaths.

Has Trump Been Good for Libertarianism?

I saw someone post that Trump is the most libertarian president and there was a long thread of people debating this. I think this idea is super wrong, and likely a hard stance to defend. I don’t think any of my friends would take the challenge to try to defend Trump as a libertarian president. That being said. I think I will make a post of why I believe Trump provides the presidency that libertarians should love the most since, at least Nixon, but probably since Grover Cleveland.

In Spite of Threats

On any given day, even in a world pervaded by states and their dictates, nearly everything that people do or refrain from doing is so not because the state threatens them with violence for acting otherwise, but because they find conformity with rules — honesty, promise keeping, careful handling of goods, avoidance of opportunism, and so forth — to be in their interest.