On Politics II

The fact that political disagreements can “get ugly” is a feature of politics, not a bug. If politics, the authorized use of violence in society, stuck to protecting everyone’s property rights equally, there’d be no cause for disagreements to get ugly.

Unschooling: Reclaiming the Term

I appreciate what the term “unschooling” now means for many families, particularly for the homeschooling families who navigate the many educational philosophies and approaches available to them in search of the best fit. I also think it is worthwhile to reclaim the term’s origins and dig deeper into Holt’s initial message–not because we should change how we currently use the language of unschooling, but so that we can expand it.

Trump Goes Postal; But in a Good Way

On October 17,  president Donald Trump announced plans to withdraw the United States from the Universal Postal Union, a 144-year-old international agreement which coordinates postal policies between 192 member nations. Trump left open the possibility of remaining in the UPU if those policies can be successfully renegotiated. Unlike many of Trump’s initiatives relating to international trade, this one makes real sense.