Racist “Libertarian” Nationalists

A Facebook group I was recently added to, with “libertarian” in the name, seems to mostly be a hangout for “white supremacists/nationalists” who want to pretend their stance is somehow “libertarian“. One recent post in the group claimed that since “94% of libertarians” are “white”, a libertarian best serves his/her own interests by making sure to only do business with “white-owned” businesses.

Ethics 101: Reciprocity

People have been arguing about how to deal with ideas of right and wrong for a very long time. Even now, reasonable people sometimes disagree about where exactly to draw the ethical line on some complex issues. After all, the world is a complicated place. That being said, one idea has emerged over and over again in the quest to understand right and wrong from essentially every cultural, religious, and philosophical tradition: the ethic of reciprocity.

Anarchy: The Science is Settled

In the latest issue of Nature, the world’s leading scientific journal, a team of paleontologists from seven top-rank universities has presented conclusive evidence from the fossil record that during the nearly 200 million years in which non-avian dinosaurs roamed the earth, anarchy was the prevailing political system.