Chase S. Returns, Earthships, Hong Kong, & Project Veritas (1h6m) – Episode 391

Episode 391 welcomes back Chase Steffensen to chat with Skyler on the following topics: their food delivery experience; earthships (YouTube), created by Michael Reynolds; the agricultural revolution and what it did to humanity; Hong Kong protests and the China situation; COVID-19 casedemic; Project Veritas and Ilhan Omar voter fraud; Boyce of Reason podcast and listening to other perspectives to learn not to get triggered; the value of debates versus long form discussions found in the podcasting world; and more.

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Six (25m) – Episode 385

Episode 385 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A fool believes that the market makes profits corrupting. A person of reason knows that it makes corruption unprofitable.”; “A democratic state is a device for feeding off society by pitting it against itself.”; “A fool finds intolerable the inequality of wealth between the capitalist and the laborer. A person of reason finds intolerable the inequality of rights between the state and the individual.”; “Happiness is the ability to stay intrinsically motivated to exist.”; “Aesthetic maturity is the ability to deliberately ignore the fashionable without turning it into a fashion statement.”; “A successful prediction is a mental journey to the least impossible of the future worlds.”