Can Self-Directed Education Exist In Public Schools?

“Do you think Self-Directed Education (SDE) can be integrated into the current public schooling model?” Responses ranged from “no way” to “anything is possible,” with commenters pointing out the key factors that would need to exist to make it work: increasing parental empowerment and mobilization; loosening compulsory schooling regulations; trusting children more and weakening the authoritarian structure of modern schooling; investing in smaller schools and classrooms.

How to Be Deep and Wide

Going deep into a single thinker doesn’t mean you can’t be a broad generalist.  Think about it, if you read five books on one subject you will know more about it than 95% of the population and be able to converse with specialists.  Yet it’s only five books.  You can repeat this tons of times for whatever topic/thinker strikes your fancy.  It’s so much more fruitful than a single book in passing.