David’s Journey & Foster Parenting (49m) – Episode 371

Episode 371 welcomes David Scholes to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: what becoming foster parents entails; why he and his wife chose to become foster parents; initial and interval requirements to being a foster parent; where foster kids come from and some trouble cases he’s seen; why he adopted his son out of his foster care; abuses in the system; how being a foster parent can be rewarding; video game “addiction” and what’s really going on there; the free range kids phenomenon; protecting himself from illnesses like COVID-19 through his ketogenic dieting, 5 years on; and more.

New Information Will Change Minds

My beliefs have changed since I was young. In every case, I believed I was right until new information made me change my mind. Afterward, I once again believed I was right until the next time something made me change my mind again. I never much regretted changing my mind, but I occasionally wished what I believed before had been right. The old belief was more comfortable or comforting than the new belief. If I could still believe what I believed before I wouldn’t have changed my belief.

Ian M. Returns, Minneapolis Experience, & Voluntaryist Silver Linings (55m) – Episode 368

Episode 368 welcomes back Ian Mayes to have a chat with Skyler on the following topics: working in the neighborhood where George Floyd was killed; his experience with the Minneapolis protests and riots; Kyle Rittenhouse; lockdown created tinderbox across the country and world; Minneapolis “defund the police” campaign; lack of real anti-authoritarian sentiment; political coalition building and guilt by association; civil wars and anarchists; Portland neighborhood “wake up” protests (Reason interview); voluntaryist welfare actions, ie. silver linings; restorative justice systems (Kibbe interview); and more.

Cowardice as a Design Problem & Negative Perceptions by Others (17m) – Episode 020

Episode 020 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Seneca who wrote, “Life without a design is erratic. As soon as one is in place, principles become necessary. I think you’ll concede that nothing is more shameful than uncertain and wavering conduct, and beating a cowardly retreat. This will happen in all our affairs unless we remove the faults that seize and detain our spirits, preventing them from pushing forward and making an all-out effort.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a discussion which began with, “How do you deal with people having incorrect [or] negative perceptions of you?”

Jack C. Returns, NZ Lockdowns, & Be Your Own Authority (1h8m) – Episode 357

Episode 357 welcomes back Jack Carney to chat with Skyler on the following topics: the COVID-19 lockdown experience in Auckland, New Zealand; lockdown protests stateside, their response, and then the George Floyd protests and their opposite response; government coordination on lockdown policies and website resource design; the Milgram experiment and what it says about today’s political climate; the Plandemic documentaries; the medical mafia; the changing usefulness of the Karen meme; why there are so few libertarian types in the world; government as God; the formerly rebellious nature of Mormons; why everyone must be their own authority, their own god; the non-aggression principle and self-defense; Free Friends, voluntary community building; his draft dodging of the Vietnam War in 1967; the Academy of Ideas YouTube channel; and more.

Aaron W. Returns, Interpersonal Domination, & Moralizing (57m) – Episode 356

Episode 356 welcomes back Aaron White to chat with Skyler on the following topics: Aaron leaving California for Texas; arguing versus trying to simply dominate someone in conversation; woke crusading, rooting out heretics, and inspiring fear; cancellation of leftists by woke leftists; whether truth can be racist; race realism and anarchist society; facts and deriving values; feeling defensive when considering implications toward one’s worldview of another’s arguments; why someone should chose “the good”; teasing/ballbusting with your kids; and more.