The Value Someone Else Sees in You

I think it is a horrible idea for anyone to maintain a relationship that they aren’t extracting extra value for. If a friend takes more work than he offers value, drop him. If you have romantic interest in a girl, but she doesn’t share it … don’t be her friend. If parents are a pain in the ass and don’t bring anything of value to the table, stop associating with them. If you don’t do this, you end up attracting people who desire to extract resources from people without offering value.

Seasteading Thought Experiment

I find this scenario useful when considering any issue that involves being “captive” (more or less) to a geographic location. How much does this “captivity” allow others to control us or force us to make concessions to the will of others? For example, the issue of immigration, when considering this scenario, is seen as one of necessarily forcing fellow natives to live with either open borders or controlled borders.

Problematic Inarticulation

Human language, as well as symbolic rationality, leaves much to be desired in terms of communication.  If it is trial and error, then it is 100% trial and 99.999 … % error.  Because we humans are stuck with language, we are effectively walled off from fact, we are effectively walled in by perception.

Their Own Crummy Societies

Humans are naturally envious, resentful people who lust after what other people have to various degrees. The larger the wealth disparity, the more envious and resentful commies/looters become. This is why we need a more gentle version of helicopter rides … decentralization (my solution to everything).