Fixing Shitholes, Sandboxes, Intelligence, Nullification, & Politics (41m) – Editor’s Break 111

Editor’s Break 111 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the terrible advice that is encouraging people in third world countries to stay and attempt to fix their governmental problems; the value in thinking of ideologies as sandboxes; what intelligence is and is not; the praiseworthiness that is the act of nullifying liberty-encroaching government laws; the contentious nature of politics; and more.

Birthright Citizenship II, Radical Rhetoric, & Bigotry (23m) – Editor’s Break 107

Editor’s Break 107 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the value in granting birthright citizenship in order to reduce the amount of coercion leveled at people by governments; the challenge in tailoring your rhetoric, written or spoken, for a broader audience, what libertarianism has to say about bigotry, such as racism and sexism; and more.

Alternative Social Media, Identity Politics, & Birthright Citizenship (27m) – Editor’s Break 105

Editor’s Break 105 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether alternative social media platforms like Minds, MeWe, and Dtube can achieve mainstream status like Facebook and YouTube; the value for voluntaryists to engage in identity politics on either the left or the right; the concept of birthright citizenship and whether Donald Trump can effectively abolish it; and more.