Don’t Let Bad Parenting Ruin Your Holiday (56m) – Episode 100

Episode 100 welcomes Chantel Quick to the podcast for a chat with Skyler about her article titled, “Dear Parents: 6 Things to Remember This Holiday Season”. Topics include: Chantel’s journey to peaceful parenting, blogging at, self-directed living, bribing kids with gifts, controlling and manipulating children, lying to kids, use of the Santa myth, forcing affection with relatives, and more.

It’s a Good Thing the Internet Makes it Easier for Crazies to Find Each Other

The fact that we political and parental radicals have found these ideas and each other is not only a silver lining to this larger phenomenon, nor should we who recognize this and the other kinds of crazy that are persisting and spreading lament it as such. I think we do our voluntaryist ideals a disservice when we do, which brings me to my second reason.

Education and Its Discontents

What is taught to the students at school is basically: “You have no choice in where you will be. If you do not do as I tell you, worse things will happen to you. If you follow orders, better things will happen to you.” The subject here is learning to accept the basic context of being in a prison and to follow orders to escape a worse fate. The kind of learning environment that I support can more or less fit under the category of unschooling.

Riley’s Journey, Anarcho Agenda Podcast (1h26m) – Episode 096

Episode 096 welcomes Riley Blake of Anarcho Agenda to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: Riley’s podcast, getting into audio processing, the challenges of being blind, origins of our libertarian journeys, podcasting challenges, free market of ideas and never censoring people, self-directed education (unschooling), the cycle of abuse in parenting, school, and the state, power vs. freedom, negotiating with children, becoming better people through libertarianism, and more.

Rodger’s Journey, the Free State Project, & Radical Unschooling (47m) – Episode 095

Episode 095 welcomes Rodger Paxton of The LAVA Flow to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: Rodger’s podcast production company Pax Libertas Productions, mid-90s awareness of Ron Paul, Ayn Rand, the New Hampshire Free State Project, the importance of homeschooling to advancing liberty, Rodger’s experience with radical unschooling, the heavy costs of authoritarian parenting, drunk driving as a victimless crime, and more.

The Boys are Back in Town! (1h29m) – Episode 092

Episode 092 welcomes Skyler’s oldest friends Chase Steffensen and Rob Alvord for a reunion chat. Topics include: free market libraries, favorite podcasts, growing up together, Rob’s band Fat Candice, the history of voluntaryism, cryptocurrency and Heleum, unschooling, Harry Potter, adolescents, Ron Paul, objectivism, buddhist meditation, atheism, the psychology of cults, trespassing as a hobby, Free to Choose, and much more!