The Existence of the State makes Evil People Far More Dangerous

Donald Trump or Barack Obama or George Bush or Franklin D. Roosevelt weren’t particularly dangerous until they obtained control of the state, and the same can be said of nearly every politician, dictator, and tyrant in history. What makes evil people so dangerous is that they can—often in an ostensibly legitimate manner—assume power over millions or even billions of other people.

Episode 074 – Russ’s Journey, Part One: Politics (51m)

Episode 074 welcomes Russ Fugal to the podcast in a two part conversation with Skyler and Morgan. The topics covered in this first part include smartphones, career moves, Russ’s childhood homeschooling, his unchanging degree of conservatism during the 9/11 crisis period, Ron Paul and the 2008 and 2012 elections, environmentalism, his evolution toward libertarianism and anarchism, “Who would Jesus incarcerate?”, voluntary prisons, and the country’s Wizard of Oz moment c/o of Donald Trump.