Good to Treat Enemies as Humans

I see no legitimacy in the office of president, nor in any other political office for that matter. I don’t care about Donald Trump one way or the other; he’s irrelevant to my day-to-day life. But the way the political left overreacts to everything he does goes beyond criticism into delusional territory. Pointing this out is seen as “defending” him. It’s really not.

Nine Attorneys General, and Alyssa Milano, versus the First Amendment

On July 30, National Public Radio reports, “[a] coalition of attorneys general from eight states and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration  … to stop a Texas-based company from publishing instructions for 3D-printed guns on its website.” In English: Nine state attorneys general want the federal government to censor the Internet, in violation of the First Amendment, for the purpose of making the Second Amendment less effectual.