Why I Had to Become My Own Father

Send him mail. “Insight for the Young and Unrestrained” is an original weekly column appearing every Thursday at Everything-Voluntary.com, by Gregory V. Diehl. Gregory is a writer, musician, educator, and coach for young people at EnabledYouth.com. Archived columns can be found here. IYU-only RSS feed available here. My journey toward the voluntarist philosophy of a…

Chapter 1 – Persuasion versus Force

Table of ContentsPrevious – Introduction 1 Persuasion versus Force by Mark Skousen & Jo Ann Skousen Sometimes a single book or even a short cogent essay can change an individual’s entire outlook on life. For Christians, it is the New Testament. For radical socialists, Karl Marx’ and Friedrich Engels’ The Communist Manifesto is revolutionary. For…

True Education

This post is a critique of the school system and the way I see it.  It’s not necessarily an endorsement of homeschooling, but it’s pretty close. This entire thing was actually inspired by a few people telling me about their massive debts from student loans and my observations of people around me. I went to a charter…

Re: Youth vs. Teenager

A very interesting interview on the subject of teenagers and adolescents of psychologist Robert Epstein. He believes adolescence is an artificial extension of childhood, that teenagers have more competence than we allow them to exhibit, and that our child-labor and compulsory schooling laws are counter-productive and keep teens from obtaining adulthood (and the rights and…