
It must be a fiction that the colonial man in the streets had any cohesive thought on the matter.  The American Revolutionary War was promulgated by the landed gentry to protect their already-claimed advantages.  They got the peasantry to fight and die, to freeze to death, to starve for the pretty abstraction of freedom.  This war, like all others, was fought for the status quo.  But-cept, how do I know?

Foreign Policy III: AnCapistan

In my first article on foreign policy, I discussed normative foreign policy in the context of the United States Constitution. In the second article, I focused on a specific aspect of foreign policy when I posited that the United States should diplomatically recognize Liberland. In this article, I discuss “foreign policy” in a stateless society: “AnCapistan,” if you will.

Voluntaryist Solutions to the Public Benefits and Immigration Problem

What’s a voluntaryist, who is a person who recognizes the criminal nature of governments, to do about the problem of immigrants exploiting public benefits? There are several possible solutions to this problem, many of which are consistent with the voluntary principle, that all human relations should happen voluntarily, or not at all, and many of which are not.