The Anti-Jerk Law

You’ve probably had a boss who was a jerk.  Indeed, you may be working under a jerk of a boss right now.  Question: Would it be a good idea to pass an Anti-Jerk Law to protect workers from these jerky employers?  Like existing employment discrimination laws, the Anti-Jerk Law would allow aggrieved employees to sue their employer for jerkiness – and received handsome compensation if they prove their charge in a court of law. I doubt many people would endorse this Anti-Jerk Law.  On what basis, though, would they object?

“The Science is Settled” is Religion, Not Science

People who trust science– as a method and not as a religion– understand this limitation. It’s why they don’t demand political action based on their observations. They might give you advice they believe to be important, but they won’t suggest using the violence of the state against you if you don’t take that advice.

I just can’t believe that people who claim to be “listening to the science” or “trusting science” are still supporting shutdowns and mask mandates. That’s the opposite of trusting or doing science. It shows a lack of understanding of what…

Special Children, Prison Bail Inequality, & Disney Princesses as Role Models (36m) – Episode 424

Episode 424 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: MassLax writes, “We HAVE to stop telling kids they’re special.”; tarababygirl writes, “Being able to pay your way out of jail shouldn’t be a thing.”; and ShinyAwesomeYT writes, “Disney princesses are terrible role models for children”.

Liberty Quotes: Larken Rose, Robert Higgs, Teddy Roosevelt, & Mark Skousen (24m) – Episode 420

Episode 420 has Skyler giving his commentary on a quote by Larken Rose on there being no country on earth for freedom lovers; by Robert Higgs on the fundamental difference between markets and governments; by Teddy Roosevelt on the soulless twins that are the two major political parties; and by Mark Skousen on what constitutes a civilized society.

Julieta Returns, Family Importance, Daughters, Public Tantrums, & Mission to Mars (38m) – Episode 419

Episode 419 has Skyler and Julieta giving their commentary on the following questions from Quora: “How important is family in society?”; “Why are daughters raised to take on adult responsibilities at an early age but not sons?”; “What would you do if your child won’t return the toy he was allowed to play with and throws a public tantrum?”; and “What would you do if your only child came up to you at age 19 and said they were going on a one-way mission to help setup a colony on Mars?”