Prisons are Stupid and Wrong

If you lock someone away as a result of an accident that the State has decided was a “crime”, you’ve shut the barn door after the horse ran away. Worse than that, you’ve locked the horse out of the barn and thrown it to the wolves. The horse will either be eaten, or it will become a wolf in order to survive. This is why prisons are actually Criminal University; training facilities to teach the socially rejected how to commit more and worse actual crimes. Prisons are a net negative.

Ansel Adams Was Unschooled; How to Solve America’s Creativity Crisis

Ansel’s father recognized his son’s natural exuberance and determined that Ansel needed more freedom to thrive. When Ansel was 12, his father removed him from school and homeschooled him, granting him abundant freedom and opportunity to pursue his own interests and passions. At home, Ansel learned to play the piano, becoming a professional musician before devoting his life to photography.

Illegal If Invented Today – Cars, Danger, Trust, and Innovation

I was driving to work today when I realized how nonchalantly I was piloting my land-speeding hunk of aluminum. Cars are extraordinary, complex, and dangerous machines, but most of us can drive them comfortably and without much second thought. That’s extraordinary. Then I though “There’s no way these things would be allowed if they were invented today.”


All things must come to an end, but it seems the frequency has been on an uptick this past week. Members of POTUS’s cabinet have seen the end of their service (Tillerson), or at least the beginning of the end (McMaster, DeVos).

Give Freedom a Chance

One of the typical responses to criticism of a government policy, program, or other undertaking is the demand for an answer to the question, “What is your alternative?” Often this challenge demands a blueprint or other detailed plan for the alternative to the governmental status quo. Absent such a fully articulated plan, one’s criticism is often dismissed as mere carping by someone who has no idea about how to replace the present government undertaking. My own alternative is simply freedom.