Jared Interviewed on the Everything Voluntary Podcast (57m) – Episode 026

Episode 026: Jared joins Skyler Collins on “Everything Voluntary” for a chat on his new farm and homestead and diving head first into rural farm-based living; his chickens, sheep, dogs, turkeys and plans for more types of livestock; fruit trees and gardening plans; living in Trump country as a voluntaryist; the difference in personal freedom between urban and rural society; Pacific Northwest secessionary attitudes; and more.

Professional Value, Insufferable Bitch, Responsibility, & Child Leashes (27m) – Episode 351

Episode 351 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: yathatisveryadequate writes, “Animators should be payed WAY more than actors” and jdkdkdms writes, “Scientist should be paid more than Atheletes”; Agent_Ayru writes, “‘I’m not a morning person’ isn’t an excuse to be an insufferable bitch”; DarkMausey writes, “We are creating a society where no one is responsible for anything, and that’s a problem”; and Tweezot writes, “Keeping small children on leashes in public is extremely practical and shouldn’t be considered ‘weird’.”

Flagpoles, Chaos, Nationalism, & Disillusionment (43m) – Episode 349

Episode 349 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following questions from Quora: “How would libertarian society keep individuals from devolving into chaos?”; “Isn’t libertarianism incompatible with nationalism?”; “What does it take for someone to finally admit their religion or political ideology is wrong?”; and a look at the flagpole challenge to the Non-Aggression Principle by David Friedman.

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Four (24m) – Episode 347

Episode 334 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A businessman calls himself boss, but his goal is to serve others. A politician calls himself servant, but his goal is to boss others.”; “A collectivist in a libertarian society may be an odd duck, but an individualist in a statist society can only be a milk cow.”; “A fool complains about the lack of equality of opportunity. A person of reason appreciates the abundance of diversity of opportunity.”; “Fulfillment: the frame of mind in which success is neither a process nor an event, but a state of being.”; “A libertarian boor is a possibility, but a statist gentleman is a contradiction.”; “A scientist believes that science is a source of knowledge. A pseudoscientist believes that science is the source of knowledge.”