Responsible Rulers

I have often heard people charge libertarian anarchists with being irresponsible for wishing to get rid of the current system of government and replace it with genuine self-governance. It’s as if — however difficult it may be to believe — these critics actually believe that rulers in the current setup are responsible.

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Six (25m) – Episode 385

Episode 385 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A fool believes that the market makes profits corrupting. A person of reason knows that it makes corruption unprofitable.”; “A democratic state is a device for feeding off society by pitting it against itself.”; “A fool finds intolerable the inequality of wealth between the capitalist and the laborer. A person of reason finds intolerable the inequality of rights between the state and the individual.”; “Happiness is the ability to stay intrinsically motivated to exist.”; “Aesthetic maturity is the ability to deliberately ignore the fashionable without turning it into a fashion statement.”; “A successful prediction is a mental journey to the least impossible of the future worlds.”

Implicit and Structural Witchery

What are you supposed to do if you want to continue the good fight against social ills you’ve already practically driven to extinction?  Move the goalposts all the way to Mars.  These days, the world’s best detectives would struggle to find outright racists and sexists.  Yet implicit racism, structural racism, implicit sexism, and structural sexism will always be in plain sight, because the definition expands as the phenomenon contracts.

Latinx, Caring, Bridezillas, Awfulness Complicity, & College Degrees (33m) – Episode 376

Episode 376 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: Omnitree7 writes, “I really hate the term Latinx”; Zaroo77 writes, “People need to stop expecting others to care about everything”; caboose365 writes, “Brides & expecting mothers are given a pass by society to be terrible people and it needs to stop.”; Raspberry-Rare writes, “We should stop telling children ‘They can be whatever they want to be.’ They can’t.”; PianoMan1925 writes, “If you say things like ‘fuck the government, fuck the system’ but do absolutely nothing to try to change it, including not exercising your right to vote you are complicit in said system being awful”; edgyusername123 writes, “Beauty pageants should be illegal for anyone under 16. Maybe 18 even.”; and billyoceanfan writes, “Employers need to stop requiring college degrees for jobs that don’t need it”.