Why homeschoolers often stand out on the job market.
Tag: socialization
There’s Only One Argument for College (and It’s Wrong)
The only argument for paying tuition and completing college is the old, “You need a degree to get a decent job.” That one’s worth engaging, and it’s easy.
The Social Benefits of Hipsters
Through all their creativity – which may after be driven out of arrogance or snottiness – hipsters deliver a massive benefit to their societies. They bring back some magic into the mundane, and they bring new life to the parts of our world that might otherwise die slow deaths.
That’s Not Feminism: 3 Ways Women Advocate For Their Own Oppression
Something I often see in the feminist movement (and I am a feminist!) is women demanding for something that appears on the outside will liberate them, but in reality, it only furthers their oppression. Usually, the very nature of the thing they are asking for, the very concept of it is bred from patriarchal ideals and ways of thinking.
The Profound Limitations of School
“What if your kids regret being homeschooled?” This isn’t the first time I have heard this, but I couldn’t help but wonder why no one ever asked what if public/traditional schooled children will regret being schooled in that particular way.
Life Outside the Cloister
Every time a person asks how homeschoolers learn about relationships or socialization, I think that some folks must believe a) that homeschooled kids must be stuck in the home all day, since their own experience is with being stuck in a cloister, and b) they must not realize that lots of life actually happens outside that tiny cloister in which they spent most of their early lives.
We Are the Economy They Want to Regulate
The question is not whether the market should be regulated, but who should regulate it. And the only two choices are: 1) market participants through the exercise of their free and peaceful choices or 2) politicians and bureaucrats relying on the threat of violence to impose their will.
Government School is Child Abuse, Chapter: Too Many to Count
The evidence is growing that school hurts kids. Homework is another issue that is only an issue because people don’t want to let go of an institution that they have been led to believe is “necessary,” “helpful,” and “useful.” Just like past forms of slavery. Let it go already.
Socialization is Normal
The most common question for home educators, by far, is “What about socialization?” I’m always shocked. Socialization was always the least of my concerns.
Is the Non-Aggression Principle Self-Negating? You Decide!
A person named Jared emailed me out of the blue about a week ago with the following letter. It contains a request for feedback followed by an argument that the Non-Aggression Principle as made popular by Murray Rothbard was self-negating on the grounds that the creation of private property is an act of aggression. What ensued were several letters back and forth in which we both flesh out the other’s argument and offer our critique. In the end we understood each other better, but alas no consensus was reach.