On Statesmen

A seemingly respectable politician is often referred to as a “statesmen” and held in high regard by both their peers and the public at large. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and Lincoln were Statesmen with a capital S. In my view, statesmen are some of the worst type of statists.

Tearing Families Apart

People think that one of the worst aspects of chattel slavery in the USA and its colonial antecedents was how the slave owners tore apart families, sometimes wrenching children from their parents’ arms and separating family members forever. What could be more horrible?

On Antinatalism

I’m not exceptionally well versed on “antinatalism”, the belief that it is morally wrong to procreate. Some antinatalists make the argument that procreation is morally wrong because it is nonconsensual as far as the offspring is concerned. Other antinatalists make the argument that because there is suffering in life (some times and places more than others), it is morally wrong to create a life that you know is going to suffer.