The Price of Panic over COVID-19 (23m) – Episode 414

Episode 414 has Skyler giving his commentary on a new website he discovered called “The Price of Panic”. From their introduction: “The negative effects of lockdown are too often dismissed as small sacrifices, necessary to keep a highly deadly disease from spreading. These sacrifices are, in fact, neither necessary nor small, and the disease is only a threat to a minority of the population that can be protected without lockdowns. Sometimes, when major harms become hard to ignore, they are lamented as further damage caused by Covid, even though it is our panic-driven measures that are to blame. This is an effort to bring focus to the magnitude of suffering taking place around us because of lockdowns.”

Grand Juries, John Oliver’s Class, Edward Snowden’s Residency, New Organ, & COVID-19 (22m) – Episode 410

Episode 410 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from ABC News, “Breonna Taylor grand jury members say they were not presented with homicide charges”; from, “John Oliver donates to two charities after Danbury sewer plant renaming” (Episode 360); from Reuters, “Russia gives whistleblower Edward Snowden permanent residency rights”; from, “Scientists discover new organ in the throat”; and from Newsweek, “Over 27 Million People Have Recovered From COVID-19 Globally”.

Ménage à Priest, Teen Consent, Nigerian Civil Asset Forfeiture, & Plastic-Eating Enzymes (30m) – Episode 399

Episode 399 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “Priest had threesome on Louisiana church altar, police say”; from, “Children not able to give ‘proper’ consent to puberty blockers, court told”; from, “Nigeria abolishes special police squad after nationwide protests”; and from, “Plastic-eating enzyme ‘cocktail’ heralds new hope for plastic waste”.

Chris J. Returns, Cloud Gaming, Losing Family & Scientism (58m) – Episode 389

Episode 389 welcomes back Chris Jenkins to chat with Skyler on the following topics: their wives’ 19th century lives before emigrating to the United States; machismo in Latin America; cloud gaming; science as religion; Mormonism, truth, and Joseph Smith; losing family members; euthanasia and the elderly; scientism and critical race theory; listening to podcasts all day long; and more.