The Philosophical Toolbox

I’m not saying that philosophy as a whole is without contradiction, however through years of weeding through different philosophies and theories I was able to find what works best for me. A collection of tools with which anyone can use to truly test whether an idea, concept, law, or edict is just, fair, and equitable. In no particular order I’d like to present a few of the tools I use use when trying to make a consistent, rational, and logical judgement or claim.

Who’s Afraid of Russian Propaganda?

If we believe the people who claim to be so concerned about Russian Facebook activity, we really ought to be concerned about something much deeper: the apparent fragility of American society. For if the Russians can strike a propaganda blow comparable, as some have ludicrously said, to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, isn’t that also true for any number of domestic websites across the political spectrum?

Hand Waving

My field is computer science, the home of the uncanny valley.  There is much hand waving devoted to the navigation of the uncanny valley.  There are far too many dabblers in robotics and virtual reality who want artificial general intelligence (AGI) to be a thing.  As a matter of confirmation bias, they want AGI to be true — they are doing wishful thinking about it.

Points of Ignorance

I don’t expect a person to be an expert in everything, but when you are completely ignorant in some area, you have a responsibility to not open your yap and ignorantly preach at others. It’s why I respected Stephen Hawking’s contributions to science, but discounted his opinions about government. In one area he was an expert; in the other he was as ignorant as any gutter drunk. And I could point out example after example.

Mark’s Journey, Science, & Truth (1h4m) – Episode 106

Episode 106 welcomes Mark Anthony Rivera to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: his short-term rental through Airbnb, self-directed education (unschooling), his passion for science from a very young age, his applied physics career, growing up a Democrat in southern California, discovering Ron Paul and libertarianism, putting premises and principles over political labels, objectivity and morality, defining our terms in argumentation and discourse, what natural law is, praxeology and economics, words and concepts as symbols, and more.

Some Questions from the Edge of Immortality

The quest for immortality is as old as humankind, and we’ve publicly agonized over its implications since at least as far back as the publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 200 years ago. As science  seemingly moves us closer to the goal, especially if the finish line consists of transplanting brain functions from the body to a computer-generated reality, the questions become more important.

Warning: Dangerous Cult!

This is a serious warning to all parents about a nefarious and very dangerous cult that has recently been approaching and recruiting innocent but ignorant souls, enticing them into joining a very violent gang—which is really more of a cult than a mere gang. This cult has been responsible for countless murders, acts of terrorism, and many other forms of violence. And the members of the cult have been so brainwashed that they view their violent aggression against innocents as being righteous and noble, because they have been taught that such actions are for the common good, because they serve the religious “vision” of the group’s leaders, which involves coercing everyone else into blind obedience to the agenda and decrees of the leaders of the group, and into compliance with their view of how everyone and everything should be.