It’s About Love

Written by Skyler J. Collins. Modified from the original written in August 2011. I am wont to harp on non-voluntaryist political philosophies because of their foundations in violence. I’d like to take just a moment to explain something that I haven’t done a good enough job explaining.Voluntaryism to me is about one thing: Love. I’ve…

I Do Have a Choice

Written by R.S. Jaggard for The Voluntaryist, June 1991. I want to be productive. I want to produce goods and services of value to my neighbors, and, I want to deal with them in willing exchange for mutual benefits. My life-long ambitions, my training and experience, and my present position all add up to the…

Why I Had to Become My Own Father

Send him mail. “Insight for the Young and Unrestrained” is an original weekly column appearing every Thursday at, by Gregory V. Diehl. Gregory is a writer, musician, educator, and coach for young people at Archived columns can be found here. IYU-only RSS feed available here. My journey toward the voluntarist philosophy of a…

Freer Is Safer

Written by John Semmens for The Voluntaryist, February 1990. One of the most common delusions of our age is that government is enforcing regulations that will actually help improve safety. In the wave of deregulation that hit the economy in the last decade, many observers have found comfort in the knowledge that safety was not…

A Short History of Liberty

Written by Dean Russell for The Freeman in 1955. From biblical times onward, the history of liberty and progress among various peoples seems to have followed a remarkably similar pattern. There are exceptions, of course—and the time element varies widely—but the pattern may be generally described by ten key ideas in sequence:1. Bondage. At some…

Being An Individual

Written by Charles Curley and Campbell Chandler for The Voluntaryist, December 1988. In order to truly be an individual, one must claim his or her inherent birthright to be happy and free. It means taking responsibility for one’s own condition, as opposed to blaming external forces; be that force a government, an unforgiving deity or…