COVID-19 Lockdowns: Liberty and Science

The Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit American shores — officially, anyway, there is significant evidence that it arrived earlier — in late January 2020. The American public was then told that a two-week shutdown of the economy would “flatten the curve,” relieving the pressure on hospital intensive care units and saving lives in the long run. The average American, including conservatives,…

Lauren’s Journey, Raising Kids to Understand Consent (1h4m) – Episode 416

Episode 416 welcomes Lauren Carlson to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: growing up in a small town and later moving to a bigger city; kids and coronavirus normalization; their respective stories from 9/11; her books on consent for kids, parents, and educators; when parents force their children to show affections to others; the practice of forced feeding of children; how humanity has treated children; the roots of human violence in childhood trauma; children and learning to feel and deal with big emotions; kids taking risks and getting hurt; respecting children saying “No!”; and more.


With respect to libertarianism, I’m far past the point where I’m really interested in changing other people’s minds. Ultimately, I don’t care what or how you think at all. I only care that if what you believe is something that calls for the control of my life and/or property, that I’m able to find some way to extricate myself from your plans.

Dennis P. Returns, Libertarian Persuasion, & Free State New Hampshire (1h11m) – Episode 411

Episode 411 welcomes back Dennis Pratt to chat with Skyler on the following topics: the shutdown of Rodger Paxton’s Pax Libertas Productions; his multi-year career writing thoughtful answers to libertarian questions on Quora; New Hampshire’s Free State Project; life and politics in NH; how the locals are responding to the influx of libertarians to NH; what taxes are levied in NH; his involvement in building community centers for NH residents; why all economic regulations are a type of hidden tax; libertarianism as a paradigm shift; respecting cultural diversity among libertarians; slavery reparations as federal land divestments; why everyone is owed reparations by government for its many crimes; the dangers of cultivating and maintaining victimhood mentality; Porcfest, freedom festival; Joe Biden on the minimum wage; and more.

Dads and Moms, Useable Organs, Historical Standards, & Unpaid Internships (28m) – Episode 409

Episode 409 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: this_justin__ writes, “Dads dont get enough credit for the work they put into raising a kid”; real_mangle_official writes, “If the only reason you can think of for your children to respect you is that you gave birth to them, you have no reason to be respected”; diobreads writes, “Useable organs of dead people should be harvested, no matter what the family says”; Ocean_faux writes, “Judging past historical figures actions by today’s standards is totally unfair to them.”; and Kaktus_ writes, “Unpaid internships should be illegal”.