Wiggle Room

How many times will politicos exploit the wiggliness of words to create fictional compartments in the minds of their followers? As the Jason Robards character said in the 1989 movie, Parenthood, “It’s like your Aunt Edna’s ass. It goes on forever and it’s just as frightening.”

Don’t Lose Your Way

Over the years I have noticed a tendency for people to start out good, and then begin to veer off-course. I could list so many I have seen this happen to–both “libertarian famous” and “nobodies.” They start out rationally standing up for Rightful Liberty, or however you choose to refer to this concept which (I hope) unites us, but then something triggers them to start following a false trail.

The Myth of Religious Violence: A Review of William Cavanaugh’s Book

William Cavanaugh’s “The Myth of Religious Violence” sets out to deflate the titular myth, that religion is a uniquely violent social force, both throughout history and across cultures. In doing so, he manages to critique the modern secular liberal concept of religion as a definable sociological category, and gestures towards a more holistic mode of analyzing the origins of violence in society.