The Boys are Back in Town! (1h29m) – Episode 092

Episode 092 welcomes Skyler’s oldest friends Chase Steffensen and Rob Alvord for a reunion chat. Topics include: free market libraries, favorite podcasts, growing up together, Rob’s band Fat Candice, the history of voluntaryism, cryptocurrency and Heleum, unschooling, Harry Potter, adolescents, Ron Paul, objectivism, buddhist meditation, atheism, the psychology of cults, trespassing as a hobby, Free to Choose, and much more!

Christian’s Journey, Future Unschooling Dad (1h10m) – Episode 091

Episode 091 welcomes Christian Vander Veur to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: voluntaryist dating, Republican Mormon upbringing, post-mission blues, religion and atheistic agnosticism, the possibilities of an afterlife, his plans to unschool his future children, many of Skyler’s experiences with unschooling his kids, peaceful parenting, and more.