What’s Wrong With Free Money?

One of the scams pushed by the soulless parasites is the notion of “universal basic income” or “UBI”: the idea that, just as a result of existing, everyone is magically entitled to a certain amount of prosperity, income and wealth. Unfortunately, this political Tooth Fairy approach seems to work well on the economically ignorant, which includes most people. After all, it sounds so nice—so caring and generous. What could possibly be destructive or malicious about giving everyone free stuff?

State Intrusions into the Market

There is a tendency among certain libertarians (and among critics of libertarianism) to question how some problem they believe is currently being alleviated by the state would be dealt with in a free society. What they typically fail to comprehend is that the vast majority of problems which the state pretends to mitigate are actually caused primarily if not entirely by the state and its intrusions into the market.

Socialism Is Dead; Participatory Fascism Has Triumphed

Unlike full-fledged socialism, which leads to totalitarian rule, mass poverty and economic decay, participatory fascism not only placates people’s wish to participate in the formal process of government decision-making but also permits private entrepreneurs enough room for maneuver that they can in some cases get rich; also enough that they can keep national output at a tolerably high level and in some cases even generate positive economic growth.

The Human Mind Is A Gift

Through the cumulative ingenuity of countless intrepid entrepreneurs and inventors, Free Market Capitalism has provided an abundance of wealth that has catapulted our comfort and standard of living into the stratosphere. Our lives are no longer threatened by trivial infections or the natural world.